Friday, February 7, 2025



Best Stories of 2013: Food Access

December 26, 2013 Category: PurposeUncategorized

Because food access is an essential issue in Philadelphia, Generocity makes a concerted effort to cover how socially-minded businesses, nonprofits and other organizations are working to bring more food to more people. Here are five of our best stories on food in Philadelphia, from innovative food pantries to the state of the co-op movement.

The Mitzvah Food Project: More Choice Spells Growth for Northeast Philly Pantry 

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Written by Erin Kane – December 2, 2013

The Mitzvah Food Project encourages nutritious eating at a well-known food pantry in Northeast Philadelphia by using a point system in which vegetables, fruits and other healthy foods cost less to buy. This has encouraged residents to eat better and get more involved in their food pantry. The program has also encouraged more people to utilize the pantry. (Read more)

Creekside Co-op In Danger of Closing Before One-Year Anniversary

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Written by Alex Vuocolo – August 27, 2013

Co-ops are gaining ground in Philadelphia. Mariposa has expanded. Weavers Way has two locations, and new co-ops in Kensington and South Philadelphia are on their way. Still, financial troubles at the Creekside C0-op have highlighted how fragile new co-ops are. This article explores how decisions about size and community access factor into a co-op’s success. (Read more)

From our Partners

Local Food How To (Part One & Part Two) 

Written by Molly O’Neill – August 21, 2013

Philadelphia offers a number of choices for healthy, locally-sourced food, but navigating theses choices can be difficult. This two-part guide was designed to help consumers choose between the likes of CSAs, co-ops, buying clubs and farmers’ markets. This story came right at the end of last summer, so check it out to get ready for the next growing season. (Read more – Part 1 and Part 2)

Can food be seen as medicine? A Q&A with MANNA Executive Director Susan Daugherty 

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Written by Molly O’Neill – January 10, 2013

MANNA is one of the largest hunger relief organizations in the city, so Generocity got behind the scenes with its Executive Director Susan Daugherty. As the interview reveals, there is a strong correlation between overall health and healthy eating. This why MANNA strives to bring good food those who need it most, the sick.  (Read more)

A Council of Philly Area Food Co-ops May Form to Share Knowledge, Purchasing Power

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Written by Alex Vuocolo – March 5, 2013

One of the biggest developments in the c0-op movement this year was a push by the region’s established c0-ops to work together and potentially combine their purchasing power. While this endeavor is still in the process, a group called the Delaware Valley Co-op Association was formed, and meetings are held on a monthly basis. (Read more)

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Flourishing: A new perspective on community well-being Monique Curry-Mims
Opportunity Network Schools Foster Inclusivity In Education Dionicia Roberson

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