Event Roundup: Trenton Avenue Arts Festival, Street Harassment Workshop, Bike to Work Day Moved
May 16, 2014 Category: UncategorizedOn May 17, celebrate East Kensington’s incredible mix of local artists, musicians and eateries. Organized by the dedicated volunteers of the East Kensington Neighbors Association. With 200 local arts and food vendors, the festival usually attracts more than 10,000 attendees to raise funds for neighborhood projects and revitalization.
When: May 17, 2014, 11:00 AM-6:00 PM
Where: Trenton Avenue and E Susquehanna, Philadelphia, PA 19125
More Info:http://trentonaveartsfest.org/
Originally scheduled for Friday, the Bicycle Coalition is moving Philadelphia’s Bike to Work day to Monday, May 19 due to the possibility of rain and strong thunderstorms on Friday. All the other details remain the same — bicyclists will meet at Lloyd hall at 7:30 AM and will depart for Love Park at 8:15 AM. Cosmic Catering will be providing free coffee and light fare.
When: May 19, 2014, 7:30 AM
Where: Lloyd Hall
More Info: Bicycle Coaltion
Free Street Harassment Workshop + Pot Luck with HollabackPHILLY
HollabackPHILLY is partnering with Girl Develop It to lead a “story share” and discussion on the issue of street harassment. The first hour will start with a pot luck, so bring a favorite dish or beverage to share and check out the space at CityCoho.
When: May 19, 2014, 6:30-9:30 PM
Where: CityCoHo Philly Nexus
2401 Walnut Street, Suite 102, Philadelphia, PA
More Info: http://www.meetup.com/Girl-Develop-It-Philadelphia/events/178548722/
Tour Paseo Verde ~ Nation’s First Platinum LEED-ND Project
The Paseo Verde housing development has an energy-efficient design, a transit location nearby, a health center, and a mix of low and moderate-income housing. It is the nation’s first development to be certified LEED for Neighborhood Development, or LEED-ND, a designation for projects that are energy efficient as well beneficial to neighborhoods. Tours will be lead by lead design architect Antonio Fiol-Silva, principal at Wallace Roberts & Todd; and developer Rose V. Gray, senior vice president of community and economic development for APM. Read Generocity’s story about Paseo Verde here.
When: May 20, 2014, 4:30- 7:00 PM
Where: 1950 North 9th Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19122, United States
More Info:http://philadelphia.uli.org/event/tour-paseo-verde-nations-first-platinum-leed-nd-project/
N3rd St Farmer’s Market Launch
This year’s N3rd St Farmers Market will run for a full 28 weeks, from Tuesday, May 20 until Tuesday, November 25. every Tuesday from 2 to 7 PM. The N3RD St market gives the opportunity for people to bond with Philly based makers, farmers, and growers.
When: May 20, 2014, 2-7 PM
Where: Located on Church St between 2nd & American St.
More Info:http://n3rdmarket.com/