#PhillyChangers Chat: Paul Wright of EveryBlock

#PhillyChanger Chats is a video series aimed at making Philly leaders more accessible. We’ll be featuring leaders of nonprofits, social enterprises, local government, and community organizers who are active in the city.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYBWhES8RqI&w=700&h=394]
Is there someone you’d like to see featured here? Email us at news@generocity.org.
Paul Wright is director of local media development at Comcast, where he manages EveryBlock. EveryBlock is a hyper-local platform where users can find a variety of information, including public records like crime reports, neighbor discussions, photos people have taken in your neighborhood, and local news reports. During the chat, Wright spoke to Generocity.org about why Comcast decided to launch EveryBlock and why it’s an important program to help connect to the community.
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