[VIDEO] #PhillyChanger Chats: Sylvester Mobley of Coded By Kids
May 13, 2015 Category: People#PhillyChanger Chats is a video series aimed at making Philly leaders more accessible. Featuring leaders of nonprofits, social enterprises, local government, and community organizations, these are people who are actively working to change Philadelphia for the better.
Is there someone you’d like to see featured here? Email us at news@generocity.org.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKhDiZXTC4s&w=640&h=360]
Sylvester Mobley is the founder of Coded By Kids, a program which provides inner city children with free, engaging, challenging and creative tech education program. The program recently received $19,870 grant from Startup PHL, which will establish an adult training program for instructors in the Coded by Kids workshops.
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