PACDC Looking to Advance Affordable Housing for 70,000 in Need

The Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations (PACDC) is partnering with Philadelphia Runner’s Philly 10K to offer runners charity bibs for the sold out race.
“PACDC is partnering with the Philly 10K because the race is built around Philadelphia’s diverse and vibrant neighborhoods, and PACDC believes that strong neighborhoods are the key to a strong city,” wrote Emily Hockenberry in an email. “PACDC is a membership organization for community development corporations and their allies, who work within communities to expand affordable housing, revitalize commercial corridors, offer support services like healthcare, education, arts and greening, and financial counseling, as well as a host of other projects and programs.”
PACDC has ten bibs to offer which will go to the first ten individuals to raise $350 for the organization.
“As a non-profit with a small staff and big ambitions, PACDC is always looking for creative fundraising sources – with the Philly 10K, we can raise money in a way that also rewards avid runners and community development supporters with a spot in the race,” added Hockenberry.
The money raised through the Philly 10K will help PACDC advance affordable housing opportunities across the city. The Philadelphia Housing Trust Fund, which is nearly 10 years old, has helped 20,000 households gain a safe, affordable place to live, but there’s still much to be done and a recent report says that in Philadelphia an additional 70,000 people lack affordable housing, according to Hockenberry.
“The Philadelphia Housing Trust Fund will be a critical part of changing that. PACDC has been a key advocate for the creation and expansion of the Housing Trust Fund, and is advocating for doubling its funding to $25 million per year to better support efforts to reduce homelessness and maintain housing affordability in neighborhoods across the city,” she said.
Image via PACDC
Philadelphia Association of Community Development CorporationsTrending News