Has your after-school program been affected by the state budget impasse? Take this survey
March 11, 2016 Category: Funding, ShortThe state budget impasse has dragged on for nine months, even as next year’s budget enters hearings.
Though there have been a few concessions throughout the process, many programs that depend on state funds are still struggling. Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool Youth Development Network (PSAYDN) wants to hear those programs’ stories.
The Camp Hill-based organization plans to collect the experiences of the out-of-school-time field around Pa. “to learn how afterschool programs are responding to the disruption and uncertainty this is causing to better communicate these concerns with policymakers.”
The results will be presented to Harrisburg on Afterschool Advocacy Day on April 12. The survey will be open until Friday, March 18.
Take the surveyTrending News
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