These two Philly schools crowdfunded STEM projects the right way

Late last week, teachers from Ad Prima Charter School and Benjamin B. Comegys Elementary School both wrapped up crowdfunding campaigns on DonorsChoose, a nonprofit platform that allows individuals to make direct donations to classroom projects.
Both Ad Prima and Comegys were looking for funds to pay for STEM projects they couldn’t otherwise afford. Both were successful in raising those funds. How?
It’s super simple: Their funding goals were reasonable, and they tapped into a larger initiative for more momentum.
Comegys raised $426 to buy five tablets that fifth-grade students will be using to learn coding basics with free apps like CodeAcademy and LightBot.
Ad Prima was able to raise $2,273, used to purchase six Toshiba laptops and a battery pack. The laptops will be used to program Lego robots and create a more fluid, interactive classroom.
Though crowdfunding capitalizes on the power of small individual donations, both of these projects were funded largely by local motorcycle ecommerce company RevZilla through the #BestSchoolDay initiative, which matched the RevZilla’s donations of $500 to Ad Prima and $213 to Comegys, fully funding the latter.
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