Why B Corps matter, according to Nicole Koedyker of Forsei Consulting
May 12, 2016 Category: People, Short“Around the Corner” is a PhillyCAM show that offers local social impact leaders the opportunity to share what impact their work is having on the Philadelphia area.
When Nicole Koedyker and friend Maria Allison were looking for jobs post-grad, they weren’t finding many that shared their sustainability-minded values. So, the two started their own company to help others improve their impact.
Koedyker is the cofounder of Forsei Consulting, a social and environmental consulting company that’s both a B Corp and a benefit corporation. For our third “Around the Corner” interview, Community Manager Mo Manklang spoke with Koedyker about why B Corps matter, why people are more inclined to measure their impact these days and what she wish she knew when she started Forsei.
PhillyCAM is Comcast channel 66/966HD/967 and Verizon FIOSchannel 29/30 in Philadelphia.
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