Watch this entrepreneurship afficianado gush about Philly’s small biz community

“Around the Corner” is a PhillyCAM show that offers local social impact leaders the opportunity to share what impact their work is having on the Philadelphia area.
In the 23 years she’s been the executive director of small business support network Entrepreneur Works, Leslie Benoliel has become a veritable expert on Philly small business community.
“We have a very rich history of small business ownership” in Philadelphia, she said. “Small businesses are what we call the lifeblood of our local economies.”
Benoliel estimates the Philly area has over 100,000 businesses with fewer than 50 employees; most businesses Entrepreneur Works works with have fewer than 10.
In her Around the Corner interview with Generocity Community Manager Mo Manklang, she shares how she’s seen the local small business give back to the Philadelphia community as well as some of the ways Entrepreneur Works tries to be a resource for those businesses.
PhillyCAM is Comcast channel 66/966HD/967 and Verizon FIOS channel 29/30 in Philadelphia.
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