We’re launching an editorial calendar and this month’s theme is ‘leaders of color’

We’re proud to introduce our new editorial calendar — a themed series featuring month-long, rotating topics relevant to the Philly social impact community.
Why? To give us an opportunity to dive deeper into something our community cares about.
Every month, we’ll bring you a few articles focusing on the theme of that month, including:
- A reported feature that will attempt to answer some big question surrounding the topic
- A profile of someone killin’ it in that particular field
- A few smaller pieces highlighting relevant initiatives in the sector
Our monthly Impact Solutions meetup will correspond with the calendar — details coming soon about our August meetup. You’ll also notice a heading on the themed articles denoting them as part of this series.
Last month’s theme was democracy — timed, obviously, with the Democratic National Convention.
This month, we’ll focus on leaders of color — people like Maori Karmael Holmes and Omar Woodard whose voices should be elevated for their work addressing social issues and contributions to the impact community in Philadelphia.
We know that people of color (POC) face a certain set of challenges the majority members don’t. We also know that there isn’t enough diversity in the social sector — one that often serves POC.
At Generocity, we want to be intentional about bringing visibility to the great work the city’s social impact leaders of color are doing in the hopes that in turn, we can encourage more diversity in our community.
Concurrent with this month’s theme, we’re also kicking off a semi-regular series in which local leaders of color will describe their path to success or offer advice so others can find their own. More info on that to come.
Have an idea for a person or org we should profile, or an idea for a future calendar theme? Let us know by emailing julie@generocity.org.
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