Rachael Ray had a special guest from Philly on her show
December 8, 2016 Category: People, ShortPhilly knows the story of Kevin Upshur and Strawberry Mansion Learning Center, the old bar he inherited from his mother and turned into a community center.
Rachael Ray, the cook, author and one-time 30 Minute Meals host, heard the story, too. So, she had Upshur appear on her daytime talk show last month. If you haven’t seen the video yet, check it out below.
WatchUpshur walked away with a $25,000 donation from Philly’s very own Beneficial Bank, presented by the bank’s president, Gerard Cuddy. Our favorite part? Ray ropes Upshur and Cuddy in for a group hug. Ahhh, man. You can feel the love.
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