Violence prevention your mission? Get your app in now for the Champions in Action award

Our month of focusing on corporate social responsibility at Generocity is winding down, but philanthropic efforts by corporations throughout Philadelphia are still in full-motion.
Citizens Bank, in partnership with NBC10/Telemundo62 and Philadelphia Media Network, is already prepped to help out its second nonprofit for 2017 with its Champions in Action program.
The category this time around is violence prevention, so if you feel your organization has been focused on this issue, get your application in now — they’re due by 5 p.m. today.
Apply hereAs per tradition, the nonprofit that receives the Champions in Action award, which will be announced this July, will win a total of $35,000 in unrestricted funds from Citizens Bank, media coverage from the aforementioned media organizations, a chance for the nonprofit’s executive director to have an “Executive-to-Executive” mentorship with a Citizens Bank executive and more.
The first nonprofit to be awarded for 2017 was Interim House, Inc., one of the first specialized treatment programs for women in the nation, for the category of addiction prevention and treatment services. Interim House plans to use the resources to expand its much-needed services.
If your nonprofit ends up winning, read up on these tips from local CSR pros for what to consider when working with corporate funders.
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