Center for High Impact Philanthropy’s new report outlines how to best help women and girls around the world

“Around the Corner” is a PhillyCAM show that offers local social impact leaders the opportunity to share what impact their work is having on the Philadelphia area.
You may know the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for High Impact Philanthropy (CHIP) for its annual giving guide, which informs donors how to most efficiently disperse their money.
But it produces guides of other kinds, too — such as the recently released “The XX Factor,” a report that “helps funders learn more about how to improve the lives of women and girls” through five lenses: economic empowerment, personal safety, legal rights, health and education, explained analyst Rebecca Hobble.
“The XX Factor” also includes 10 evidenced-based “best bets” for those new to giving in this area, which includes donating to organizations dealing with labor force participation, protection from child marriage and access to technology.
Read the reportAnd for those looking to help victims of Hurricane Harvey beyond drinking beer, check out CHIP’s quick primer on how to think about giving in a disaster. Its advice? Give money, not stuff, and give even after the floodwaters have receded. Read it here.
Learn more about CHIP in Hobble’s “Around the Corner” interview below.
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