Tech in the Commons is back. Attend this free nonprofit tech tools bootcamp series
April 3, 2018 Category: Event, Featured, Purpose, ShortDisclosures
Tech in the Commons is supported by the Knight Foundation and Comcast NBCUniversal and organized by Generocity.Professional development for nonprofits needs an updating.
That’s why we’re bringing back Tech in the Commons, a free bootcamp-style workshop series on digital engagement strategies for place-based nonprofits, supported by the Knight Foundation and Comcast NBCUniversal and organized by Generocity.
Register hereLast year, more than 300 nonprofit professionals learned about augmented and virtual reality, live video, social media and data storytelling via case studies from about a dozen local and national experts. (Check out all the lessons in our recap ebook, “Tech in the Commons: A Toolkit for Place-Based Nonprofits.”) From that pilot, we gathered your feedback in surveys and a listening session. Now it’s back and better.
Year two is kicking off during Philly Tech Week 2018 presented by Comcast and will include four subject-specific bootcamps, plus two project nights where attendees will work with subject matter experts to launch work based on what they learned. Learning our own lessons from last year, this year will have a gamification component, so mark your calendars and join us for them all. Space is limited.
We’re thrilled to again be hosting the bootcamp series at the 601 Walnut St. location of 1776, the coworking space on the same floor as Generocity’s offices. We’re also partnering with GoodCompany Ventures to more broadly share the word.
Here’s the 2018 bootcamp schedule:
- Monday, April 30 — Bringing AR and VR to Our Neighborhoods (presented as part of Philly Tech Week)
- Tuesday, May 8 — Social Media for Action
- Tuesday, May 15 — Deploying Citizen-Centric Smart Cities Solutions
- Tuesday, May 22 — Digital and Data Storytelling
And the project night schedule (note that these will be held elsewhere in Center City):
- Wednesday, May 30 — Smart Cities
- Tuesday, June 5 — Data Storytelling
All events will take place from 5 to 8 p.m. (yes, we’ll feed you!) and include time for attendees to receive direct feedback on their ideas and plans for low-cost and attainable solutions at their own workplaces.
Register hereFollow along on social media using #TechCommonsPHL. See you in the commons.