Saturday, February 15, 2025



On the Market: 8 jobs plus 10 things we learned at INTER/VIEW

YouthBuild Philly at INTER/VIEW 2018 presented by Public Health Management Network. May 22, 2018 Category: FeaturedPeople


Update: This article has been updated to include more recently posted jobs. (5/23, 12:10 p.m.)

On the Market is a column where we highlight noteworthy job openings. Want to be featured on our jobs board? Check out

Yesterday Generocity hosted its third annual jobs and engagement fair, INTER/VIEW, and dang, did we learn a lot about Philly social impact’s hiring landscape.

Not only from the 23 presenting orgs, but from a number of attendees who are working on their own passion projects.

Before we describe the On the Market positions you can apply to virtually, here are 10 things we learned in-person about local employment and the people looking for it at INTER/VIEW 2018 presented by Public Health Management Corporation:

1. Jeffrey Abramowitz recently launched the National Workforce Opportunity Network.

The INTER/VIEW attendee and reentry activist left his job as director of student services and workforce development at Community Learning Center to start the workforce development and career placement agency in January. The org works with community partners to help “unemployed, underemployed, and undereducated individuals struggling to find that life changing career opportunity.”

2. Tech Impact’s ITWorks will teach its 500th student this fall.

The nonprofit that supports other nonprofits’ tech needs has been running this tech job training program for young people in Las Vegas, Wilmington and Philadelphia since 2010.

3. Millennial Brand Network is launching this summer.

The nonprofit-to-be’s mission is to “eliminate roadblocks in the success path of entrepreneur-driven millennials” working in the entertainment and media fields via its digital activism platform. TBD exactly what that means, but in the meantime, the org is looking for volunteers interested in content creation.

From our Partners

Millennial Brand Network at INTER/VIEW 2018.

Millennial Brand Network at INTER/VIEW 2018 presented by Public Health Management Network. (Photo by Julie Zeglen)

4. Paul Glover is running for governor as a Green Party candidate.

We found the former ecology professor and Green Jobs Philly founder (among many other things) as he waited in INTER/VIEW’s résumé line. The Green Party of Pennsylvania officially backed his run in April.

5. Rebecca Fabiano’s Sandbox Collective is relaunching in the fall as the Center for Youth Development Professionals.

The “multi-hyphenate do-gooder” popped by INTER/VIEW to hawk multiple open positions for her consulting org, Fab Youth Philly, but also to share the news that her professional development and networking group will be shifting its format. Details TBD.

6. Big Brothers Big Sisters Independence Region is in desperate need of big bros.

There are literally hundreds of boys on the waiting list for mentorship. Philly men, step up.


Some other job-related tidbits we learned at INTER/VIEW:

In addition to all the jobs we saw up for grabs last night, check out these opps from our jobs board.


Community Legal Services is hiring (quickly!) for two AmeriCorps VISTA positions: a neighborhood outreach coordinator for its energy unit and a neighborhood outreach coordinator for its homeownership and consumer rights unit. The former will “provide critical outreach to Philadelphia neighborhoods in key areas to assist low income and vulnerable Philadelphians to maintain vital utility service”; the latter will “connect underserved neighborhoods with legal resources to save their homes from mortgage and property tax foreclosures.”


MANNA (aka Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance) needs an institutional relations manager to lead its fundraising efforts. Recent related wins: $128,000 from Pew Charitable Trust and $100,000 from NRG. Learn more here.


Philadelphia Community Corps, a workforce development nonprofit that “empower[s] underserved citizens to revitalize blighted neighborhoods by deconstructing vacant buildings and salvaging materials for reuse,” is in need of a sales and acquisitions director to lead its sales growth strategies. Check it out here.


You know The Business of Doing Good (which tabled at INTER/VIEW, hey!) as the social enterprise training program for middle schoolers. The nonprofit is looking for an entrepreneur coach to teach students the ins and out of, well, the business of doing good during program workshops. See the job here (and, psst, the org also needs an intern).


The 25-year-old philanthropic convener DVLF, fka The Delaware Valley Legacy Fund, needs a new executive director. If you have experience in fundraising and a passion for supporting the needs of Philly’s LGBTQ+ community, check out the job here.


Pennsylvania Voice seeks a Reflective Democracy director to support its civic engagement, access, representation and racial equity work. The statewide network of 35+ organizations is “committed to creating a fair and just Pennsylvania by making our democracy more accessible, inclusive, and representative” ahead of the 2020 census. Learn more here.


Housing-first homelessness agency Pathways to Housing PA (which also tabled at INTER/VIEW, hey!) is looking to fill several positions, including for case managers. Learn more here.


See all available jobs posted on Generocity here. Want to post a job yourself? Have at it. P.S. A handful of these social impact jobs are still available, too.



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