On the Market: 14 Philly impact jobs to snag before the year ends

On the Market is a column where we highlight noteworthy job openings. Want to be featured on our jobs board? Check out generocity.org/jobs.
Fairmount Park Conservancy is hiring for two roles: an associate director of corporate relations and a development manager. The former will manage the nonprofit’s corporate giving program, while the latter will focus on campaign management and support, institutional fundraising and database management.
Pathways to Housing PA needs a marketing coordinator to help the housing-first nonprofit spread word of its services to the public and the press (hi!), plus develop and oversee a volunteer program for both Pathways and its sister org, the Philadelphia Furniture Bank. Bonus: a certain excellent Generocity columnist would be your boss.
Free Library of Philadelphia Foundation is on the lookout for an accounting supervisor to join its finance team and keep its organizational wheels a-turnin’. Must be able to “handle complex, high-volume, non-repetitive transactions to exacting high standards.” So, Type A folks only.
Drexel University seeks a community health and wellness manager to join the West Philly Promise Neighborhood team and co-develop and oversee the Promise Neighborhood Navigator program, which will connect parents and caregivers to resources and services.
Maternity Care Coalition is looking for a VP of external affairs to lead strategy and management of new business development, fund development, public policy and government relations and more as part of its executive team. This role was previously filled by Marianne Fray, who became MCC’s CEO in June.
Generocity and Technical.ly are hiring a social media strategist in preparation for Philly Tech Week 2019, happening May 3 through 9. This temporary role runs from March through May and aims to increase sponsor visibility, boost engagement on sponsor content and drive conference ticket sales. Remember: Generocity is playing a bigger role in PTW this year, including via the second annual Introduced conference. Apply by Jan. 25.
Other jobs:
- The Lenfest Institute for Journalism and Knight Foundation need a program manager for their joint Local News Transformation Fund initiative.
- Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia needs youth cycling coaches.
- William Penn Foundation needs a program officer for its Creative Communities program.
- African American Museum in Philadelphia needs a grants and content development manager.
- Project HOME needs a volunteer coordinator.
- Leeway Foundation needs a communications director.
- Knight needs a Philadelphia director.
See all available jobs posted on Generocity here. Want to post a job yourself? Have at it. P.S. A handful of these social impact jobs are still available, too.
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