Friday, February 14, 2025



20 events to raise awareness about reentry in Philadelphia

May 31, 2019 Category: FeaturedPurposeShort


This is a guest post by Nia Kaudo, capacity building coordinator of the Philadelphia Reentry Coalition.
June has arrived and so has Reentry Month 2019!

The Philadelphia Reentry Coalition participates in Reentry Awareness Month to help increase the public’s understanding of reentry, and to celebrate the people coming home to Philadelphia from incarceration. Reentry Awareness Month was originally started by founder and CEO of Gateway to Reentry, Tracey L. Fisher. Since then, City Council has begun adopting resolutions to officially recognize the month.

This year, with the help of Reentry Month Event fellows Khadijah Brown (founder of A Dream Deferred) and Marcus Hall (an instructor at Community Learning Center) the Reentry Coalition has put together a Reentry Month Calendar featuring nearly 20 events.

The month starts with a Reentry Awareness Month kick-off event by Gateway to Reentry, and a symposium on the effects of mass incarceration on women and children organized by Sisters Returning Home. The Coalition’s Reentry Celebration and Awards Ceremony will take place on June 6, and on June 7, the Free Library of Philadelphia will celebrate adding the Reentry Think Tank’s Reentry Bill of Rights to its permanent special collections.


Resource-focused events include OIC of America’s community resource and job fair (June 7), an Our Closet Clothing Pop Up Shop (June 19), expungement clinic by Community Legal Services (June 20), a Philadelphia Federal Credit Union financial literacy seminar (June 20), an education-oriented event by Center for Literacy, the City’s Office of Adult Education, and JEVS (June 21), a job and resource fair from Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church (June 22), and an Overdose Prevention Training by Drexel’s School of Public Health, the City’s Department of Public Health, and the SOL Collective which will provide two doses of naloxone to the first 25 registrants (June 25).

From our Partners

Cultural events and idea exchanges include a film screening at Villanova (June 8), an art exhibit and poetry slam hosted by Friends Rehabilitation Program (June 26), a summit on citizenship rights in reentry hosted by Temple University (June 14), and Frontline Dad’s Reentry Blueprint of Stories and Solutions from the Formerly Incarcerated (June 19). Other educational opportunities are You Got Booked, a learning exercise that simulates criminal justice system involvement organized by the Mennonite Central Committee (June 20), and Redemption Housing’s Spiritual Resilience Council one-day intensive training (June 22). The month closes out with a Dad’s Festival by Fathers in Action on June 29.

We hope to see you this June at some of these exciting events, as we join together to acknowledge the work we still have left to do to remove unnecessary barriers to reintegration and create access to the opportunities that people deserve, share resources, and celebrate those who have already come home.

Additionally, check out our website and social media throughout the month for profiles that the Reentry Coalition’s Reentry Month media fellows have created to highlight the works and successes of some of our member organizations.



Philadelphia Reentry Coalition

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