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Power Moves: Julie Wertheimer moves from City to Pew

November 12, 2019 Category: ColumnFeaturedMediumPeople

1. Julie Wertheimer becomes project director of Pew Charitable Trusts’ Public Safety Performance Project.

Julie Wertheimer, whose career in city government started during the Michael Nutter administration and has extended through Mayor Jim Kenney‘s, will be leaving her post as senior director of the Office of Criminal Justice. Starting in December, Wertheimer will become the project director for the Pew Charitable TrustsPublic Safety Performance Project, based in Washington D.C.

The Project — which supports efforts in select states that want better results from their sentencing and corrections systems — diagnoses the factors driving prison growth and provides policy audits to identify options for reform, drawing on research, promising approaches, and best practices in other states.

Wertheimer, whose bachelor’s and master’s degrees are from the University of Pennsylvania, also served as chief of staff to the deputy managing director for criminal justice; chief of staff for public safety; deputy director for policy, programs and administration and assistant managing director/recovery office at the Office of Public Safety.

In addition she served as the PA finance director for Citizens for Arlen Specter, and in then-mayor-elect Michael Nutter’s transition team.

2. Lorelei Gauthier to become chief of staff at the City of Philadelphia’s Office of the Managing Director.

Lorelei Gauthier. (Courtesy photo)

Lorelei Gauthier, the chief strategy officer at Philadelphia FIGHT for the past seven years, has left the organization to become the chief of staff at the City of Philadelphia‘s Office of the Managing Director.

Gauthier, who is also a photographer and visual artist, holds a bachelor’s degree from Fordham University and a master’s from The New School, both in New York, as well as certificates from the University of Pennsylvania and University of the Arts.

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She previously served as the program manager of the broadband technologies opportunity program at the People’s Emergency Center; as a senior program associate/program officer at Public/Private Ventures; as the associate director of Asian Arts Initiative, and as the director of technology outreach/project director/program coordinator of the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania.

3. Patrick  Sweeney is named secretary treasurer of DRI – The Voice of the Defense Bar.

Patrick J. Sweeney was named secretary treasurer of DRI—The Voice of the Defense Bar at the organization’s recent annual meeting in New Orleans. DRI is the largest professional organization exclusively representing attorneys of the defense bar.

Sweeney is a partner of the firm of Sweeney & Sheehan PC in Philadelphia. He has been a member of DRI for 23 years, and has been a chair, vice chair, or member of 25 DRI committees, task forces, and institutes. He is also a past-president of the Pennsylvania Defense Institute.

4. PLSE makes public the September hires of attorneys Taylor Pacheco and Sarah Coyle.

(L) Taylor Pacheco; (r) Sarah Coyle.

Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity announced in its November newsletter that in September it had hired Taylor Pacheco and Sarah Coyle as staff attorneys:

According to the organization’s website, Pacheco “is a 2016 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Law School where she was senior editor of the Journal of Law and Social Change, an Edward V. Sparer Public Interest Summer Fellow, and a volunteer with the UPenn Criminal Records Expungement Clinic run in partnership with PLSE. She also interned with Community Legal Services in the Housing Unit and the Montgomery County Public Defender’s Office. Her career after law school included positions with the New Jersey Office of the Public Defender and the Support Center for Child Advocates.”

Coyle “joined PLSE in September 2019 from Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP), where she had been a staff attorney for over two years and ran the Media office. After receiving her JD in 2016 from Savannah Law School, she worked in a private firm concentrating in criminal defense before joining LASP, where she developed a program assisting victims of domestic/sexual violence under a program funded by the Victims Of Crime Act (VOCA).”


Power Moves

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