Friday, December 6, 2024



Monday Minute with Molly Wood

July 8, 2024 Category: Q&A

What do our leaders and institutions need to invest in to create a sustainable infrastructure that promotes health and safety and creates thriving communities?


“I would actually shift the perspective of that because we elect these people. And then a lot of times people in the community think, oh, now I’m done and sit back and don’t do anything else. But the reality is, the only way that any change has happened is if we stay invested in our communities, and communicating with our elected leaders, so that they know what we want, and what’s important. We don’t let them off the hook but keep them accountable for what they ran on and why we elected them.”


What advice do you have for leaders going into the week?


“We’re all leaders and I think, recognizing that our vote is our voice. And when people sit out elections, you’re silenced and you’re choosing to be silenced. And the consequences of that silence can be really profound. I think we’re at a pivotal moment in our history. We need to recognize that each and every one of us has a responsibility to exercise our voice, which is our vote.”


Molly Wood, is a campaign manager for Representative Dan Williams and House District 74

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