Jun. 17, 2015 1:55 pm
How Kiva Zip Plans to Draw New Lenders to Its Online Platform
Earlier this month, Kiva Zip Philadelphia held a pop-up event at Dilworth Park that connected local entrepreneurs with investors. The event was a part of an ongoing effort to leverage the online lending platform for small business development in city. The Kiva Zip platform, which was created by a San Francisco-based company, works like other […]
May 26, 2015 12:00 pm
TRF PolicyMap Tool Now Shows Zip Code Level Health Data
“Your zip code is a better predictor of your health than your genetic code,” said Melody Goodman, an assistant professor at Washington University in St. Louis, in a speech last July at the Harvard School of Public Health. This idea reflects the growing acknowledgement that health is not just a personal issue, but something rooted […]
May 22, 2015 11:11 am
FINANTA Seeks to Make Banking Local in South Kensington
Until 2011, the Borinquen Federal Credit Union offered residents of South Kensington a local banking option where they could open a savings account, apply for a loan, or seek financial assistance, all in their own neighborhood. Then the 35-year-old institution ran into some financial and legal trouble, ranging from mismanagement to outright fraud.The National Credit […]
May 20, 2015 1:15 pm
Whole Foods Supports Nonprofit Serving Homeless With Mix of Charitable Programs
The Callowhill and South Street locations of Whole Foods Market have raised nearly $22,000 in cash and in-kind donations of food for Bethesda Project, a nonprofit that serves Philadelphia’s homeless through housing, shelters and services. “It’s important for all of us—organizations and businesses alike—to support the needs of our most marginalized citizens,” said Hentzi Elek, […]
May 19, 2015 8:30 am
Stopping Deforestation, the Future of Online Giving, Funding Data Analysis – Social Impact Across the U.S.
This week in Social Impact Across the U.S.: The Chronicle of Philanthropy released a series of posts earlier this month examining the future of online giving. The series includes tips and how-to guides, a breakdown of recent trends, and stories on the impact of “take-action buttons” and spam filters on online giving. In the wake […]
May 15, 2015 10:39 am
Kathy Desmond named President of People’s Emergency Center
When Farah Jimenez stepped down as president and CEO of the People’s Emergency Center in August 2014 after being appointed to the School Reform Commission, she left an open spot in one of West Philadelphia’s most active human services and community development organizations. During her tenure the organization launched a youth housing program, served as […]
May 12, 2015 11:19 am
Unions and Climate Change, Protecting Nail Salon Workers, Grading Gov Agencies on Environment – Social Impact Across the U.S.
This week in Social Impact Across the U.S.: A New York Times investigative report unveiled that nail salon worker experience wide spread wage theft and health hazards in the New York City metro area. In response to the article, Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered an emergency task force to conduct salon-by-salon inspections. The number of climate change […]
May 7, 2015 11:25 am
PhillyCAM Seeks More Money for Public Access TV
PhillyCAM studio. Photo via PhillyCAM Turn the channel to Comcast Cable 66/966 or Verizon Fios 29/30 and you won’t see the latest period drama or superhero origin story. Instead you’ll see regular Philadelphians, on-air and speaking their minds. They might be talking about local politics on Speak out Philadelphia, singing and dancing on Philly on […]
May 5, 2015 10:51 am
Fund for Baltimore, Farmer Co-ops, and Philanthropy in Public Services – Social Impact Across the U.S.
Baltimore skyline This week in Social Impact Across the U.S.: The Baltimore Community Fund launched a fund to help repair the damages caused by the recent unrest in the city, reports the Philanthropy News Digest. Nonprofit Quarterly probes into how philanthropy funds public services by looking at the examples of parks and schools, both of […]
May 4, 2015 9:59 am
After-school Innovation Drives STEM in Philly Schools
[metaslider id=36940] When Angely Morales got a bike a few years back, she discovered that she had a knack for making modifications. “The first time I ever I got a bike I was thinking of making it better so I added a basket to it,” she said. At the time she was seven years old. […]