Saturday, February 15, 2025



Dave Raible, Executive Director

#PhillyChangers Chat: Paul Wright of EveryBlock people

Feb. 18, 2015 1:59 pm

#PhillyChangers Chat: Paul Wright of EveryBlock

#PhillyChanger Chats is a video series aimed at making Philly leaders more accessible. We’ll be featuring leaders of nonprofits, social enterprises, local government, and community organizers who are active in the city. [youtube] Is there someone you’d like to see featured here? Email us at Paul Wright is director of local media development […]
#PhillyChanger Chats: Michelle Feldman of Keep Philadelphia Beautiful people

Jan. 28, 2015 12:37 pm

#PhillyChanger Chats: Michelle Feldman of Keep Philadelphia Beautiful

#PhillyChanger Chats is a video series aimed at making Philly leaders more accessible. We’ll be featuring leaders of nonprofits, social enterprises, local government, and community organizers who are active in the city. Is there someone you’d like to see featured here? Email us at [youtube] Michelle Feldman is the executive director of Keep […]
Staff Blog: The Social Impact Ecosystem uncategorized

Jul. 24, 2014 11:54 am

Staff Blog: The Social Impact Ecosystem’s Executive Director, Dave Raible, at Impact Hub Like most thoughtful Americans, I have dreamed for years of finding the magic formula that would end poverty, homelessness, substandard educational performance, hunger, violence, and myriad other problems in our society. That impulse led me to a career in the nonprofit world where I could attack these […]
Staff Blog: Second Annual DoGooder Awards Winners + Photos uncategorized

Mar. 13, 2014 12:23 pm

Staff Blog: Second Annual DoGooder Awards Winners + Photos

Following months of work by filmmakers and nonprofit organizations, the second annual Philly DoGooder Awards came to a close last night with a ceremony and bash at the University of the Arts. As a partner and host of the event, Generocity is happy to see so much collaboration and pride in Philadelphia’s social good community. […]
Staff Blog: Tell Your Story at the Second Annual Philly DoGooder This Spring method

Dec. 19, 2013 11:54 am

Staff Blog: Tell Your Story at the Second Annual Philly DoGooder This Spring

For those of you old enough to remember the TV series Dragnet, you’re familiar with the old adage that the city has a thousand stories. Well, that was such 20th Century thinking. In the new millennium our city now has tens of thousands of stories; stories about creative approaches to improving the lives of marginalized […]