Nov. 4, 2021 4:35 pm
Stomping Grounds Café celebrates ‘magic’ of coffee in West Philadelphia
Students from YouthBuild Philadelphia Charter School learn about the history of coffee and are trained as baristas.

Oct. 20, 2021 12:52 pm
Local nonprofit leaders decry Texas abortion ban, reflect on reproductive justice in PA
With its passage, S.B. 8 became the most restrictive abortion law in the U.S. And as its fate hangs in the balance, advocates have stepped up the fight to safeguard reproductive rights.

Sep. 29, 2021 1:24 pm
Fairhill residents discuss priorities for Mann & Rivera centers at ‘Community Data Jams’
Residents came together after a summer of storytelling events to reflect on their values and brainstorm future recreational programming.

Sep. 10, 2021 10:55 am
Andy Toy becomes policy director at PACDC
Toy has newly transitioned to his role after more than five years with SEAMAAC and decades of working on community development.

Sep. 3, 2021 1:17 pm
‘Germantown Neighbors’ share personal stories and reflect on gentrification
In this portrait project, photojournalist Hannah Yoon documents her neighborhood’s history.

Jun. 1, 2021 10:53 am
Residents will explore ‘Places of Power’ in Norris Square
What if 360 camera technology, augmented and virtual reality — which were developed for commercial use — could be a platform for community storytelling? That's what filmmaker Anula Shetty and members of Norris Square's community gardens are documenting.

May 27, 2021 9:50 am
Girls Rock Philly will change its name to center trans identities
GRP will host summer events for community members to discuss what a more equitable name could be for the nonprofit.

May 4, 2021 2:59 pm
Next five months are urgent for arts and culture organizations trying to stay afloat
The Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance recently released the COVID-19 Economic Impact Survey, which analyzes how the arts and culture sector has fared during the pandemic.

Apr. 22, 2021 11:03 am
Campaign for Working Families receives $1 million to help city residents file taxes
CWF will focus its efforts in North Philadelphia and partner with three other organizations to offer financial services.

Dec. 18, 2020 8:45 am
New perspectives, new resources: Business on Board trains future board members
The Arts + Business Council for Greater Philadelphia’s leadership development program is accepting applications for its upcoming cycle through the end of this month.