My undergraduate and master’s degrees are in psychology, and my PhD is in health professional education. I teach courses in mental health & wellness. As a researcher, my interests are also in the broader field of mental health. Methodologically, I’m most at home in the world of qualitative research, especially in spaces that enable the telling of stories. I love theory and finding creative ways to blend and apply theories, especially those that are critical.
Academia is a second career for me. My first career was in community-based mental health care where for more than 2 decades I held various roles, including mental health educator, research coordinator, quality improvement lead, and knowledge transfer & exchange specialist. As a Registered Psychotherapist, I’m a member of the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario, and I continue to work part-time in private practice. Working from a trauma-informed perspective, I provide psychotherapy to people who, for a variety of reasons, are experiencing significant struggle, distress and life disruption. My areas of clinical expertise include individuals who live with varying degrees of dissociation, depersonalization, personal dis-integration, and psychosis, as can occur in response to traumatic experience. I also work a lot with those who struggle with various manifestations of existential despair.
"I take issue with the fact that it has become routine to medicalize human suffering by attaching a mental health diagnosis to it. This doesn’t address the source of people’s anguish," says guest columnist Marnie Wedlake.