Sep. 3, 2019 11:00 am
Kneel, donate, or burn it all down? Decarceration and 5 types of justice work
"When Jay-Z recently suggested 'we’ve moved past kneeling' ... I wanted to ask him who was the 'we' he was referring to," says guest columnist Stephanie Keene.

Aug. 28, 2019 2:34 pm
Artist activists, policy lobbyists, early childhood educators: The great diversities in making a difference
Guest columnists Eric Hartman and Stephanie Keene lay out the five types of justice work they’ve identified through research and practice.

Apr. 10, 2019 11:00 am
Race and exclusion in Philadelphia: Snapshots from the last 100 years – Part II
Guest columnists Eric Hartman and Stephanie Keene trace the 100-year history of exclusion and racism in Philadelphia, which they say explains today's poverty and life expectancy gaps. Part II of a two-part story.

Mar. 27, 2019 8:38 am
Race and exclusion in Philadelphia: Snapshots from the past 100 years
Guest columnists Eric Hartman and Stephanie Keene trace the 100-year history of exclusion and racism in Philadelphia, which they say explains today's poverty and life expectancy gaps. Part I of a two-part story.