Monday, February 17, 2025




This Leeway-funded workshop for immigrant poets pivoted after the election method

Dec. 13, 2016 10:40 am

This Leeway-funded workshop for immigrant poets pivoted after the election

Poet Cynthia Dewi Oka's workshop was initially designed to expose people from immigrant backgrounds to U.S. migrant poets. Then, President-Elect Donald Trump happened.
9 State of Young Philly events for the mission-minded purpose

Nov. 9, 2016 7:40 am

9 State of Young Philly events for the mission-minded

Get excited for Young Involved Philadelphia's seventh annual event series with our picks for each of its nine days.
How this advocate is helping older foster kids improve a system that failed them people

Nov. 7, 2016 9:10 am

How this advocate is helping older foster kids improve a system that failed them

"It's not acceptable that youth we took responsibility for raising end up being homeless in adulthood or incarcerated so soon after they leave care," said Stoneleigh fellow Dominique Mikell.
Is advocacy ever enough? funding

Nov. 2, 2016 4:04 pm

Is advocacy ever enough?

TL;DR — checks, not check-ins.
Every police officer and business owner should watch this Ignite Philly 18 talk people

Oct. 18, 2016 12:54 pm

Every police officer and business owner should watch this Ignite Philly 18 talk

"How much do you value someone else's personal history?" asked Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity founder Mike Lee.
Pa.’s first step toward nixing life without parole could be taken this week method

Oct. 17, 2016 11:58 am

Pa.’s first step toward nixing life without parole could be taken this week

In Pa., being sentenced to life without parole is equivalent to being sentenced to death. This Tuesday, a coalition of advocates will rally in Harrisburg to support reforms once deemed nonviable.
This Philadelphian has an art project that’s helping refugee children in Lebanon get an education purpose

Sep. 20, 2016 12:58 pm

This Philadelphian has an art project that’s helping refugee children in Lebanon get an education

By expressing themselves with photography, art and writing. It's called We Grow Where We Are, founded by Philadelphia resident Greg Shaheen.
This technologist wants companies to grant employees time off on Election Day purpose

Aug. 31, 2016 8:43 am

This technologist wants companies to grant employees time off on Election Day

Tech startups are cool with giving employees flex time, but what about the low-income single mother who works at Wendy's?
Returning citizens need political representation and Bill Cobb has a plan to make it happen people

Aug. 18, 2016 12:57 pm

Returning citizens need political representation and Bill Cobb has a plan to make it happen

Here's how the prison reform advocate wants to increase civic engagement among formerly incarcerated voters like himself.
Nyron Crawford wants to know who’s responsible for all this disparity purpose

Aug. 16, 2016 12:58 pm

Nyron Crawford wants to know who’s responsible for all this disparity

The Temple political science professor is studying political behavior, public policy and how people of color perceive the legitimacy of police and government.