Aug. 31, 2021 2:45 pm
Letters to our ancestors
In this guest column, the three coauthors of the recent report "How the Pandemic Response Has Failed Young People" write letters to themselves from their descendants, imagining a future transformed by youth-empowering policies.

Aug. 16, 2021 9:41 am
Black ancestors take up metaphysical residence at Hatfield House through image and artifact
Through "Ancestors returning again/this time only to themselves" Black Quantum Futurism creates a site-specific time capsule where quantum physics, Afro-futurism and Afro-diasporic cultural tradition can coexist.

Jun. 9, 2021 12:59 pm
Time is key: Applying a Black Quantum Futurist lens to understanding solutions to housing inequality
It is only when people feel they have a stake in a future that is non deterministic, not associated with economic gain, and rooted in community, can possibilities for hope, creative control, and meaningful access spring forward.

Dec. 19, 2016 10:01 am
The Afrofuturist Affair got some love from The New York Times
Founded by Community Legal Services attorney and sci-fi writer Rasheedah Phillips, the collective was name-dropped in a Times piece on contemporary Afrofuturism.

Sep. 14, 2016 8:39 am
Why Rasheedah Phillips wants Temple University to collaborate on Community Futures Lab
The sci-fi author and housing attorney wants to see support from her alma mater as her art collective attempts to heal and preserve an adjacent community.