Tuesday, February 11, 2025



Black Lives Matter

Systems transformation could have saved Daniel Prude’s life method

Sep. 10, 2020 8:00 am

Systems transformation could have saved Daniel Prude’s life

Daniel sought care in a hospital setting but was released within three hours with no diagnosis. What happened next involved the criminalization of his mental illness, resulting in a horrific incident of police brutality.
Salima Pace is one of a new generation of union leaders. But why stop at that? people

Sep. 9, 2020 3:12 pm

Salima Pace is one of a new generation of union leaders. But why stop at that?

The Secretary-Treasurer of District 1199C National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees talks with Generocity about funding education, supporting maternity care, and creating space for Black women in politics.
Beyond the slogan: Putting Black Lives Matter into practice in philanthropy purpose

Aug. 11, 2020 9:29 am

Beyond the slogan: Putting Black Lives Matter into practice in philanthropy

Philanthropy has the ability to repair and evolve itself, but only in relationship with communities, say guest columnists Cheryl Thompson-Morton, Roxann Stafford and Nuala Cabral.
Opinion: Costs of the pandemic to local, state governments must be covered by the federal government purpose

Jul. 2, 2020 10:00 am

Opinion: Costs of the pandemic to local, state governments must be covered by the federal government

Unless the federal government provides funding to make up the losses, there will be a catastrophic retreat from progress, says guest columnist Robert Brand.
Hip-hop is the soundtrack to BLM protests, continuing a tradition that dates back to the blues purpose

Jun. 25, 2020 12:04 pm

Hip-hop is the soundtrack to BLM protests, continuing a tradition that dates back to the blues

"No one who has listened to hip-hop since its origins in the 1970s should be surprised that rap music has become the soundtrack to protests in the wake of George Floyd’s killing," says guest columnist Tyina Steptoe.
The time is now to break all the rules and reshape the nonprofit sector purpose

Jun. 16, 2020 7:13 am

The time is now to break all the rules and reshape the nonprofit sector

"Hundreds of thousands are in the streets telling us that a new reality is necessary and possible. We can let ourselves be part of making that happen," says guest columnist Sam Chenkin.
A short history of Black women and police violence purpose

Jun. 12, 2020 2:30 pm

A short history of Black women and police violence

There is a perception among many Americans that Black women are somehow shielded from the threat of police violence. This perception, says guest columnist Keisha Blain, could not further from the truth.
Philanthropy needs a new endgame: The liberation of Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities in America purpose

Jun. 10, 2020 7:30 am

Philanthropy needs a new endgame: The liberation of Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities in America

"Today, there is an urgent need for philanthropic institutions and philanthropists to take more deliberate and intentional steps to dismantle white supremacy," says guest columnist Sidney Hargro.
#OwnVoices: 12 impactful quotes from Black nonprofit leaders in Philly people

Jun. 8, 2020 4:09 pm

#OwnVoices: 12 impactful quotes from Black nonprofit leaders in Philly

We've been foregrounding the voices of some the region's Black nonprofit leaders the past few weeks — but we thought it might be interesting to look further back than that for some of our featured quotes.
‘It’s overwhelming to articulate my feelings about being a Black man in this country’ purpose

Jun. 4, 2020 7:47 am

‘It’s overwhelming to articulate my feelings about being a Black man in this country’

Journalist and Generocity freelancer Peak Johnson reflects on his conflicting feelings about what he is observing and experiencing in Philadelphia at this pivotal point in history.