Wednesday, February 12, 2025



Center City

Sarah Yeung is focused on building community around conversation in Chinatown people

Jan. 29, 2020 8:42 am

Sarah Yeung is focused on building community around conversation in Chinatown

The consultant’s work with the Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation prioritizes the community's voice in the fight against gentrification.
Crude Oil Talks Coming Up in Most Affected Philly Neighborhoods purpose

Apr. 28, 2015 11:30 am

Crude Oil Talks Coming Up in Most Affected Philly Neighborhoods

This week, Clean Water Action will resume its listening tours about crude oil trains in two upcoming meetings to be held in West Philadelphia and South Philadelphia. Clean Water Action is calling these the “most anticipated” of all of the meetings that Clean Water Action is organizing, because of the proximity of the tracks to […]
March was full of do-gooders– check them out purpose

Apr. 2, 2015 11:15 am

March was full of do-gooders– check them out

In this this month’s Mo-Ments in Philly Social Impact, there were too many things to include them all, so here are your highlights! Have something you’d like to share for April’s roundup? Email me at [listly  id=”bIO” layout=”magazine” show_header=”false” show_author=”false” show_sharing=”false” show_tools=”false” per_page=”25″]
Biz Journal: Meet Michael Garden, who’s helping to fuel the Reading viaduct rail park project people

Mar. 16, 2015 11:49 am

Biz Journal: Meet Michael Garden, who’s helping to fuel the Reading viaduct rail park project

This article originally appeared in the Philadelphia Business Journal here.  Michael Garden, who is on the board of Friends of the Rail Park, will be part of an Urban Land Institute panel discussion next Wednesday called At the Corner of Rail and Broad: Connecting the New Rail Park to North Broad, Neighborhoods and Center City. […]
What to Look Out For: Sneak Peeks of the Philadelphia Flower Show purpose

Mar. 4, 2015 11:26 am

What to Look Out For: Sneak Peeks of the Philadelphia Flower Show

There’s so much to see at this year’s Philadelphia Flower Show, “Celebrate the Movies.” As you’re walking the floor, make sure to look out for these details for maximum enjoyment of the show. [listly id=”bkf” layout=”magazine” show_header=”false” show_author=”false” show_sharing=”false” show_tools=”false” per_page=”25″] Find out more and get tickets to the Philadelphia Flower show.
Equitable Development: Philly CDCs Call for Strong Commitments From the Next Mayor. purpose

Feb. 19, 2015 2:09 pm

Equitable Development: Philly CDCs Call for Strong Commitments From the Next Mayor.

  Sandy Salzman, executive director of NKCDC, speaking at announcement of PACDC policy platform With the mayoral race approaching, the Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations (PACDC) announced the release of a policy platform Wednesday on how to make development more equitable in rapidly changing neighborhoods. The platform, “Beyond Gentrification, Toward Equitable Development,” contains 19 recommendations […]
Funding Post to Spotlight Women at Investor Roundtable purpose

Feb. 10, 2015 1:01 pm

Funding Post to Spotlight Women at Investor Roundtable

Funding Post, a network to connect entrepreneurs and investors, is hosting a small, women-focused investor roundtable on Thursday, February 19th, 2015 at 5:30pm at Benjamin’s Desk (1701 Walnut Street). Most startup events tend to have a low number of women in attendance. While the roundtable is open to both men and women, the goal of the […]
Ahead of Deadline, Bread & Roses Community Fund Hosts Info Session for 2 Major Funds funding

Feb. 6, 2015 11:35 am

Ahead of Deadline, Bread & Roses Community Fund Hosts Info Session for 2 Major Funds

Next Tuesday, the Bread and Roses Community Fund, a grantmaking organization that supports grassroots organizing, will host an information session for potential grantees that explains the guidelines for two of its major funding programs, the Racial & Economic Justice Fund and the Future Fund. The Racial & Economic Justice Fund, for more established nonprofits, supports […]
How Philly Moves returns, bringing the community together through celebration of dance and movement method

Feb. 5, 2015 12:34 pm

How Philly Moves returns, bringing the community together through celebration of dance and movement

For the first time since 2011, JJ Tiziou has returned to his photography project How Philly Moves. The project, started in 2008, invites any self-identified Philadelphia dancer to participate in community photo sessions. This past December, Tiziou held a community photo session at Christ Church Neighborhood House, where he photographed 123 Philadelphians. The shoot took about three and […]
Clean Water Action Rallies Community Around Crude Oil Discussions purpose

Feb. 3, 2015 12:35 pm

Clean Water Action Rallies Community Around Crude Oil Discussions

Every day trains carry around 160,000 barrels of oil through Philadelphia. Following a series of derailments in South Philadelphia and over the Schuylkill River, Clean Water Action is planning a series of 90-minute community listening meetings around crude oil by rail in various Philadelphia neighborhoods. The meetings are scheduled in areas affected by crude-by-rail transport, and the first […]