Jun. 24, 2015 1:32 pm
Neighborhood Storefronts will Continue to Improve Despite Federal SIP Guidelines
The Storefront Improvement Program will continue, thanks to help from Councilman Bobby Henon, other members of Council and Mayor Michael Nutter, who worked to fund the program with the city’s General Funds in the FY16 budget. The budget, passed by City Council and signed by Mayor Nutter last week, contains $535,000 in locally generated revenue […]

Jun. 17, 2015 10:30 am
Explore History and Community Building with the History Truck
Throughout the month of June, the Philadelphia Public History Truck’s newest exhibit, “They Say They Gonna Build” explores the history of university expansion and community building in the spaces and places of North Philly closest to Temple University, where the boundaries between campus and community have never been clear. The exhibit, which is located at […]

May 26, 2015 12:00 pm
TRF PolicyMap Tool Now Shows Zip Code Level Health Data
“Your zip code is a better predictor of your health than your genetic code,” said Melody Goodman, an assistant professor at Washington University in St. Louis, in a speech last July at the Harvard School of Public Health. This idea reflects the growing acknowledgement that health is not just a personal issue, but something rooted […]

May 22, 2015 11:11 am
FINANTA Seeks to Make Banking Local in South Kensington
Until 2011, the Borinquen Federal Credit Union offered residents of South Kensington a local banking option where they could open a savings account, apply for a loan, or seek financial assistance, all in their own neighborhood. Then the 35-year-old institution ran into some financial and legal trouble, ranging from mismanagement to outright fraud.The National Credit […]

May 15, 2015 11:30 am
National Leaders are Playing With Their Food — And You Can Too
Next week, Eat Retreat is bringing 40 of the nation’s food leaders to a camp in southeastern Pennsylvania, just outside of Lancaster. Local food leaders participating include Alex Jones of Fair Food Philly, Elizabeth Fitzgerald of Free Library’s Culinary Literacy Center, and Jessica Moore of Philly Cow Share. “The idea is to provide an opportunity […]

May 13, 2015 11:37 am
Ride of Silence on May 20 to Honor Cyclists Lost and Raise Awareness
Philadelphia’s 2015 Ride of Silence will be held May 20 at 6:45 p.m., to mourn the six cyclists killed by motorists since the Ride of Silence was held last year, including the loss of dear friend at PhillyCAM, Vijay Mohan, on May 10 and the hundreds who have had accidents involving motor vehicles in the […]

May 12, 2015 1:30 pm
Crowdfunding, for Teens: The Enterprise Center Helps Local Youth Raise Capital
Hand-knit baby apparel. Custom-designed t-shirts. Natural face wash. These are a few of the products currently being created and marketed by young people who participate in The Enterprise Center’s Executive Incubator, an after-school program giving local youths the skills and experience to launch their own businesses. The program is an extension of a two-week summer […]

May 6, 2015 2:02 pm
4 Philly Finalists Up for $3 Million Artplace Grant
Earlier this week, ArtPlace America announced the finalists who will participate in its ArtPlace America Community Development Investments program. The one-time program will support place-based organizations with a primary mission of community planning and development to incorporate arts and cultural strategies into their work. The CDI program is designed for place-based NGOs that: have a […]

Apr. 29, 2015 11:52 am
PACDC 2015 Mag looks at Equity and Race in Community Development
PACDC Executive Director Rick Sauer at 2015 gala The Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations’ (PACDC) annual magazine is both an overview of trends in the community development sector and a vehicle for promoting the organizations and individuals that comprise it. The 2015 issue, released last week, focuses on the issues of equity and […]

Apr. 13, 2015 1:30 pm
How Federal Guidelines are Stunting Storefront Improvement Program (SIP)
The Commerce Department’s Storefront Improvement Program (SIP) reimburses business owners in select commercial corridors up to $15,000 for small improvements to their storefronts, such as installing new awnings or signs or putting on a fresh coat of paint. The celebrated program has sparked investment in corridors across the city, from delis in West Philadelphia to […]