Apr. 23, 2015 12:00 pm
Co-op Currents: Workplace democracy at unions, co-ops, ESOPs, and staff collectives in Philadelphia
As Philadelphia’s labor history shows, worker co-ops can be used as tools for transformation and liberation. Worker co-ops are businesses that are owned and democratically controlled by their workers on a one worker, one vote basis. Right now, we only have four worker co-ops in the city of Philadelphia, but our city’s history is full […]

Jan. 8, 2015 1:00 pm
The Energy Co-op Expands to PPL Service Area
The Energy Co-op, a renewable energy provider based in Center City, expanded its service to the Lehigh Valley earlier this month. Now, in addition to serving PECO customers, the co-op can sell power to anyone in the PPL service area. PPL serves nearly 30 counties and encompasses most of the state’s large cities outside of […]