Wednesday, February 12, 2025



Equal Measure

Why your calls with the Revenue and Water departments are friendlier results

Oct. 24, 2016 11:46 am

Why your calls with the Revenue and Water departments are friendlier

Staffers are receiving training in trauma-informed customer service. It's one outcome from Living Cities' City Accelerator initiative.
How Get HYPE Philly! mobilized 10 local orgs around teen health in its first year results

May 23, 2016 8:38 am

How Get HYPE Philly! mobilized 10 local orgs around teen health in its first year

With The Food Trust leading the way, the data-focused initiative is making strides in reaching its lofty goal of getting 50,000 Philly teens active.
Meet the folks who make social impact ideas reality method

May 17, 2016 3:04 pm

Meet the folks who make social impact ideas reality

With numbers. Equal Measure has been providing nonprofits and foundations with evaluation services for the past 30 years.
March was full of do-gooders– check them out purpose

Apr. 2, 2015 11:15 am

March was full of do-gooders– check them out

In this this month’s Mo-Ments in Philly Social Impact, there were too many things to include them all, so here are your highlights! Have something you’d like to share for April’s roundup? Email me at [listly  id=”bIO” layout=”magazine” show_header=”false” show_author=”false” show_sharing=”false” show_tools=”false” per_page=”25″]
GSK Awards $5 Million to Ten-Member Collaborative Led by The Food Trust funding

Mar. 20, 2015 11:37 am

GSK Awards $5 Million to Ten-Member Collaborative Led by The Food Trust

GSK announced a three-year, $5 million IMPACT grant to support positive health outcomes for Philadelphia youth.