Wednesday, February 19, 2025




On Juneteenth, let’s start to address the separate and unequal treatment of our Black elders purpose

Jun. 18, 2021 8:00 am

On Juneteenth, let’s start to address the separate and unequal treatment of our Black elders

The response to COVID-19's disparate impact on Black nursing home residents most egregiously illustrates the devaluation of Black life by American systems, institutions, and government, says guest columnist Kee Tobar.
What does allyship look like in the workplace? Join us for a Slack AMA on June 25 purpose

Jun. 17, 2021 1:03 pm

What does allyship look like in the workplace? Join us for a Slack AMA on June 25

We'll be talking with Sam Chenkin, founder of Reclaim the Sector, and John Foster, COO of Baltimore dev agency Fearless,
Bridging the digital divide: An equity saga purpose

Jun. 17, 2021 8:30 am

Bridging the digital divide: An equity saga

With the uptake of vaccinations and the drop in COVID cases and fatalities, the question is —will the urgency that forced the digital divide higher on the city’s priority list ultimately dissipate?
Nonprofit AF: It’s time we pay interview-stage job applicants for their time purpose

Jun. 7, 2021 1:03 pm

Nonprofit AF: It’s time we pay interview-stage job applicants for their time

It is inequitable to ask already economically vulnerable people to spend hours doing multiple rounds of interviews and preparing a presentation or other assignments for free, says Vu Le.
Opinion: Historical underinvestment and continuing discrimination is violence against the AAPI community purpose

May 28, 2021 9:36 am

Opinion: Historical underinvestment and continuing discrimination is violence against the AAPI community

When we discuss housing and rent affordability in Philadelphia, when we discuss the need to secure and extend public benefits, when we discuss wage theft — we must include the AAPI community in our campaigns, says guest columnist Kee Tobar.
Nonprofit AF: 12 ways ‘all lives matter’ manifests in nonprofit and philanthropy purpose

May 10, 2021 9:22 am

Nonprofit AF: 12 ways ‘all lives matter’ manifests in nonprofit and philanthropy

"If we’re going to advance equity, then we need to examine the myriad, often subtle ways we are perpetuating the all-lives-matter credo in our work," says Nonprofit AF's Vu Le.
Recalibration of power: Building an equitable tech pipeline in Philly purpose

May 7, 2021 11:05 am

Recalibration of power: Building an equitable tech pipeline in Philly

The first Philly cohort of Resilient Coders graduates in May, and two of its soon-to-be-grads share the apps they built with a focus on bettering society.
The new COVID-19 Prevention & Response Fund will open its second round of funding June 3 funding

Apr. 20, 2021 1:20 pm

The new COVID-19 Prevention & Response Fund will open its second round of funding June 3

"We decided that an equity-based pooled fund that used trust-based principles and was community-led would be the most successful model,” said Shira Hodges of Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia.
Opinion: The call for PILOTs is a call for wealthy nonprofits to invest in justice rather than charity purpose

Apr. 5, 2021 9:13 am

Opinion: The call for PILOTs is a call for wealthy nonprofits to invest in justice rather than charity

PILOTs have the power to "shift wealth from powerful and privileged institutions to the neediest and most marginalized communities," says guest columnist Angela Chan.
‘Issues inside newsrooms bring real-world harm and put Black lives in danger’ purpose

Apr. 1, 2021 2:41 pm

‘Issues inside newsrooms bring real-world harm and put Black lives in danger’

It's time to bring back a Public Editor to hold media accountable for racism, bias and inequity, says Tauhid Chappell.