Monday, February 17, 2025




Better Bike Share Conference is coming to Philly and wants your ideas purpose

Feb. 17, 2016 9:20 am

Better Bike Share Conference is coming to Philly and wants your ideas

The national conference will take place in Philly this coming June. Right now, they're looking for panel and presentation proposals.
Why hundreds of people will walk up the Comcast Center this spring purpose

Feb. 9, 2016 2:18 pm

Why hundreds of people will walk up the Comcast Center this spring

It's a charity event for leukemia called the Big Climb, brought to Philadelphia by way of Seattle and a 15-year-old named Duncan Glew.
Event: #BigGreenParty with Green Philly Blog and Sustainability Nexus purpose

Jan. 21, 2015 2:00 pm

Event: #BigGreenParty with Green Philly Blog and Sustainability Nexus

On Friday, January 23, Green Philly Blog and Sustainability Nexus are hosting the Big Green Party at City CoHo to celebrate the release of Green Philly’s new website design. At the party, you’ll be able to enjoy an evening of food, drinks and fun at Philly’s sustainable coworking space, CityCoHo | Philly Nexus. We’ll be […]