Thursday, January 23, 2025



food pantry

The post-pandemic model of food bank should put client choice at its center purpose

May 26, 2021 1:10 pm

The post-pandemic model of food bank should put client choice at its center

The pandemic has accelerated the emergence of a number of innovations in food banks and pantries and encouraged client-centered practices like trauma-informed services, mobile and delivery options, say guest columnists Caitlin Caspi and Marlene Schwartz.
4 signs that food pantries improve the diets of low-income people purpose

Jan. 6, 2021 8:00 am

4 signs that food pantries improve the diets of low-income people

Going to a food pantry more than once a month, rather than once a month or less, is linked with a higher-quality diet, says guest columnist Heather Eicher-Miller.
Using tech to meet food pantry needs in Philly’s Northeast purpose

Oct. 2, 2020 10:03 am

Using tech to meet food pantry needs in Philly’s Northeast

The online platform used at the Mitzvah Food Program's food pantry was built with tools to help encourage healthy eating and easy adherence to dietary or religious preferences, says Brian Gralnick.
Resource list: Food in the time of COVID-19 purpose

Mar. 21, 2020 9:06 am

Resource list: Food in the time of COVID-19

Philadelphia has a number of well-established programs tasked with alleviating food insecurity that have stepped up their efforts to adapt to the additional needs precipitated by the coronavirus pandemic.