Jul. 31, 2024 8:30 am
Where Was the Board? Examining Governance in Nonprofit Closures
Many things have been written over the last several weeks about the closures of local nonprofit institutions University of the Arts and Benefits Data Trust that have caused a wave of discussion and concern in the nonprofit sector. The Chronicle of Philanthropy pointed to BDT’s “push to grow and innovate while maintaining financial stability,” […]
Jul. 10, 2024 8:00 am
Responsible Nonprofit Leadership
It is rare for nonprofit news to make a front page in Philadelphia, but that has changed recently with the abrupt closure announcements of the University of the Arts, Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger, and Benefits Data Trust. While every situation is unique and complex, from where I sit, these closures reflect the underlying challenges […]
Jul. 3, 2024 9:00 am
Why Young People Aren’t Utilizing One of Philly’s Best Resources – The Library
In the areas where libraries are most needed, our youth are underserved and ill-considered. Communities across Philadelphia lack librarians and, consequently, the relevant programs to truly educate, encourage, and engage those who would benefit the most. Schools are closed for summer, at a time when these resources are crucial, and branches across the city remain […]
Jul. 3, 2024 8:00 am
Navigating Nonprofit Governance
In recent years, the Philadelphia community has been rocked by a series of nonprofit hardships. Nonprofits, from universities to national institutions and community organizations, have closed their doors, filed for bankruptcy, or suffered from financial mismanagement. These cases highlight a critical weakness: the importance of effective nonprofit governance. The importance of governance The board […]
Jun. 12, 2024 8:25 am
Nonprofit Governance
“There is no question that the nonprofit sector has a board problem.” This is the first sentence of Chapter 2, Problem Boards or Board Problems? in BoardSource’s 2005 “Governance as Leadership: Reframing the Work of the Nonprofit Board” by Chait, Ryan, and Taylor. The problem: “Boards seem “to be an unreliable instrument for ensuring accountability […]