Sep. 20, 2021 3:40 pm
Opinion: We have a duty to protect our children from spikes in RSV cases
Philadelphia's Department of Health recently called attention to the drastic increase in RSV cases in Philadelphia this summer, says guest columnist Melissa Page.

Sep. 16, 2021 1:51 pm
Will having so many disasters happening at the same time affect donations? We asked an expert
Roughly half of all the money raised through donations tends to be donated within the first four to six weeks after disasters, says guest columnist Patrick Rooney.

Sep. 15, 2021 3:16 pm
Research suggests teachers and school staff play a central role in COVID-19 outbreaks on campus
School employees may be more likely to transmit the virus to coworkers than students, research suggests. Meanwhile, many teachers are at risk for severe illness if infected.

Sep. 13, 2021 2:49 pm
New survey: Black, Latinx and Asian American donors give more to social and racial justice causes
"We also see that African Americans are the most likely to give to strangers of all racial and ethnic groups," say researchers and guest columnists Wendy Chen and Una Osili.

Sep. 10, 2021 2:49 pm
20 years post-9/11, the links between Islamophobia and Muslim American suicide remain unexplored
The victim of Islamophobic violence and survivor of a suicide attempt, guest columnist Amelia Noor-Oshiro is the first self-identifying Muslim American to receive NIH funding to conduct grassroots mental health research within the American Muslim community.

Sep. 8, 2021 9:45 am
Nonprofit AF: It’s time for nonprofits and foundations to implement vaccine mandates
"Our sector operates on the belief that we are stronger as a community. As a community, we owe it to ourselves to protect our clients’ and one another’s health and well-being," says Nonprofit AF's Vu Le.

Sep. 7, 2021 1:46 pm
Pandemic hardship is about to get a lot worse for millions of out-of-work Americans
Nearly a third of those currently unemployed come from three sectors of the economy: health care and social assistance; accommodation and food services; and retail trade.

Sep. 2, 2021 11:56 am
Love your neighbor and embrace the stranger
"Faith driven investors are stewards of their resources and those of the communities they support, serve, and lead," says guest columnist Amanda Joseph of Calvert Impact Capital.

Aug. 31, 2021 2:45 pm
Letters to our ancestors
In this guest column, the three coauthors of the recent report "How the Pandemic Response Has Failed Young People" write letters to themselves from their descendants, imagining a future transformed by youth-empowering policies.

Aug. 30, 2021 1:00 pm
How the pandemic response has failed young people: Unemployment, caregiving and education
"For young people like myself, we did not have a safety net, we were the safety net," says Madison Nardy, a member the Youth Action Board of Community Legal Services, and a coauthor of its recently released report.