Sep. 29, 2021 9:40 am
Opinion: It’s time to permanently close Berks County’s immigrant detention center
"As we speak, the Biden administration is pushing to turn the Berks County family prison into a women's prison," says guest columnist Jasmine Rivera.

Jul. 1, 2021 3:31 pm
In ‘Faces of Courage’ the collaboration of artist and nonprofit becomes more than documentation
The collaboration between Harvey Finkle and New Sanctuary Movement could perhaps serve as a model for other nonprofits and other artists. The key, according to Finkle, is that it be a true collaboration.

Feb. 26, 2021 11:00 am
Opinion: We could have ended family detention in PA in 2016. Why is it allowed to continue?
Berks Family Residential Center "has been operating as a family prison since 2014 and this last year we’ve seen families face months of incarceration all while a global pandemic tears through prisons," says guest columnist Prudence Powell.

Jul. 10, 2020 9:14 am
Estos promotores luchan por la justicia para sus comunidades, incluso durante la pandemia
Los "Promotores de Justicia" del Nuevo Movimiento Santuario evalúan las necesidades y tienden al bienestar de sus comunidades a través de Zoom desde el inicio.

Jul. 1, 2020 1:19 pm
When working for justice, the promotora model builds power in communities even during a pandemic
New Sanctuary Movement’s “Promotores de Justicia” assess needs and tend to the wellbeing of their communities via Zoom since COVID-19.

May 15, 2020 9:33 am
Restoring this $200K to the budget for FY21 could literally save lives, say nonprofit leaders
The City's funding for PAIFUP — Philadelphia's successful public defender program for immigrants facing deportation — has quietly been zeroed out of the mayor's revised proposed budget.

Feb. 15, 2020 5:03 pm
South Philly Barbacoa’s chef will appear on a segment of ‘What’s Eating America’ this Sunday
Cristina Martínez, co-owner of the renowned Mexican restaurant, speaks with Andrew Zimmern about her lamb barbacoa and her activism on February 16 at 9 p.m. on MSNBC.

Dec. 25, 2019 11:00 am
Platos fuertes: Reflections on my visit to the desert borderlands
Roughly 10 weeks have passed since guest columnist Brian Villa left the southern border, but the impact of what he witnessed remains. At the holiday table, he and his family will set an empty place as a reminder and call to action.

Jul. 29, 2019 12:00 pm
‘Expanding Sanctuary’ is a success story. And a record of how immigrants changed policy in Philadelphia
Filmmaker Kristal Sotomayor: "I think that this offers a different perspective on immigration ... Immigrants are not helpless. They are incredibly strong people.”

Jul. 1, 2019 8:00 am
Building for the long fight: Two of New Sanctuary Movement’s promotoras
Generocity asked nonprofit leaders whose work centers immigrants to write about immigrant leaders they know. Here, one of the NSM co-directors highlights the work of Gloria and Bertha, two members of the Promotoras program.