Tuesday, February 11, 2025




Generocity.org will soon be published by Technically Media method

Sep. 29, 2015 10:55 am

Generocity.org will soon be published by Technically Media

Generocity’s mission has always been the same: to strengthen Greater Philadelphia as a leader in social impact. Today, we’re excited to not only cover the people and organizations around the city who are leading the way, we get to be an example of the kind of innovation we hope to see in the region. That’s […]
Staff Blog: The Social Impact Ecosystem method

Jul. 24, 2014 11:54 am

Staff Blog: The Social Impact Ecosystem

Generocity.org’s Executive Director, Dave Raible, at Impact Hub Like most thoughtful Americans, I have dreamed for years of finding the magic formula that would end poverty, homelessness, substandard educational performance, hunger, violence, and myriad other problems in our society. That impulse led me to a career in the nonprofit world where I could attack these […]
How To: Send Your News to Generocity method

Feb. 24, 2014 2:00 pm

How To: Send Your News to Generocity

Our job at Generocity is to keep a tab on Greater Philadelphia’s expansive (and ever growing)  social good sector. Whether we are talking to community leaders working hard in their neighborhoods, or companies innovating how they engage in philanthropy and community outreach, the idea is to paint a full picture of what social good is […]
Staff Blog: Behind Our Latest Redesign method

Feb. 20, 2014 12:36 pm

Staff Blog: Behind Our Latest Redesign

As our organization shifts gears from facilitating volunteering and fundraising to creating content, we decided it was due time our site reflected that transition. Over time we have gained a greater breadth of knowledge about the social good community within Philadelphia. This has informed our shift in direction so that we can be more representative of […]
Staff Blog: Learning About the City Through the Citizens Planning Institute method

Jan. 7, 2014 4:24 pm

Staff Blog: Learning About the City Through the Citizens Planning Institute

As a citizen of Philadelphia, it has been a journey to learn how the “engine” of this city works and how I can engage with it. I know that it will be a lifelong study, getting to know the intricacies and how to be best serve in my own way, but I am grateful for […]
Staff Blog: Tell Your Story at the Second Annual Philly DoGooder This Spring method

Dec. 19, 2013 11:54 am

Staff Blog: Tell Your Story at the Second Annual Philly DoGooder This Spring

For those of you old enough to remember the TV series Dragnet, you’re familiar with the old adage that the city has a thousand stories. Well, that was such 20th Century thinking. In the new millennium our city now has tens of thousands of stories; stories about creative approaches to improving the lives of marginalized […]
Weighing In on the Charitable Industrial Complex funding

Aug. 1, 2013 3:09 pm

Weighing In on the Charitable Industrial Complex

Last week, a debate over the role of philanthropy was sparked by no other than Peter Buffett-- son of billionaire Warren Buffett-- in a op-ed for the New York Times.