Sunday, December 8, 2024



local procurement small business

Minority, women and disabled-owned businesses are slowly but surely procuring more city contracts results

Jul. 5, 2016 8:15 am

Minority, women and disabled-owned businesses are slowly but surely procuring more city contracts

Public and private contracts awarded to those businesses are up 1.2 percent from last year, but the city has a long way to go if officials really want that number to better represent city demographics.
Mayoral Candidates weigh in on #GoodEconomyPhilly method

Apr. 27, 2015 11:30 am

Mayoral Candidates weigh in on #GoodEconomyPhilly

[metaslider id=36808] Sustainable Business Network members and other sustainable-minded citizens gathered at Temple University’s Fox School of Business to hear what five of the mayoral candidates had to say about the Good Economy Challenge, which focuses on: Improving the small business climate in Philadelphia. Prioritizing local and sustainable business procurement by City government, universities, and […]