Saturday, February 15, 2025



nonprofit funding

Are simplified grant applications here to stay? purpose

Aug. 31, 2020 9:18 am

Are simplified grant applications here to stay?

After moderating a virtual Funders Forum, columnist Valerie Johnson explores the grant application changes that would make life easier for nonprofits seeking funding.
Changing metrics for impact purpose

Aug. 7, 2020 9:24 am

Changing metrics for impact

Rapid response, streamlined reporting requirements, unrestricted grants — the COVID-19 crisis has precipitated the emergence of a new donor-grantee business model for Philadelphia-area funders.
Time to think about 2021 purpose

Apr. 22, 2020 8:26 am

Time to think about 2021

"Nonprofits aren’t founded to exist in perpetuity, but to accomplish a mission," says columnist Tivoni Devor. "Now is the time to focus on the mission and not corporate legacy."
Take a break. Watch these videos that poke fun at nonprofits and fundraising purpose

Dec. 12, 2019 3:42 pm

Take a break. Watch these videos that poke fun at nonprofits and fundraising

The new Human Services Council video has has racked up 3K views in just one day, and the older one has hit 60K views  — so nonprofit humor is clearly a thing.
Do fundraisers have privileged solutions and strategies? purpose

May 2, 2019 4:36 pm

Do fundraisers have privileged solutions and strategies?

They are taught best practices that cater to the privileged, says columnist Valerie Johnson, but they can change them.
Here’s how the current state of arts funding is promoting cultural inequality funding

Feb. 2, 2016 10:11 am

Here’s how the current state of arts funding is promoting cultural inequality

A recent story in The Atlantic explores why there's a lack of funding for community-based arts organizations. Meanwhile, in Philly, the Knight Foundation just granted $2.5M to an opera festival.
How the first urban Earthship is getting neighbors acclimated to its mission method

Dec. 29, 2015 12:30 pm

How the first urban Earthship is getting neighbors acclimated to its mission

The project is crowdfunding again to afford construction. But neighbors in the poverty-stricken Lower Lancaster Ave neighborhood are still trying to understand why they're there.
How the state budget impasse is hurting these 6 nonprofits funding

Dec. 17, 2015 12:15 pm

How the state budget impasse is hurting these 6 nonprofits

If there's no budget agreement by the end of the year, a state program that could dole out up to $150 million to educational improvement nonprofits will be lost. That's money many nonprofits rely on for operations and programming.