Oct. 12, 2021 8:44 am
How Temple’s Small Business Development Center is working to bridge the digital divide
With the new PA Digital Transformation eCommerce Program, the SBDC wants to help entrepreneurs thrive in the digital economy. It's also expanding to locations outside of North Philadelphia.
Jul. 21, 2021 12:21 pm
Commentary: North Philadelphia residents fight for its future, call to stop gentrification and displacement
Generocity contributor Marilyn Kai Jewett, herself North Philly born and raised, speaks to community members about their ongoing work to make sure the neighborhood isn't "rewritten."
Apr. 22, 2021 11:03 am
Campaign for Working Families receives $1 million to help city residents file taxes
CWF will focus its efforts in North Philadelphia and partner with three other organizations to offer financial services.
Mar. 2, 2021 8:51 am
What ever happened to the North Philadelphia Health Enterprise Zone?
Had the HEZ become what it set out to be, there would have been a three-year head start on coordinating healthcare services for a poor community of color before the pandemic hit.
Nov. 13, 2020 11:00 am
Report finds CDCs produce $5.4 billion of economic growth in Philadelphia
The Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations released a report in October examining the economic impact of local community development corporations.
Sep. 21, 2020 12:45 pm
During COVID-19, underserved communities in Philly rely on tech to connect
In and around the Hunting Park neighborhood, Latinx nonprofits use tech to build community and to keep people engaged.
May 19, 2020 3:00 pm
¿Cómo preparamos a estudiantes sin ninguna historia familiar de educación universitaria?
Debido a la falta de una cultura de educación universitaria en sus comunidades, los estudiantes en el este de Filadelfia del Norte se encuentran en desventaja simplemente por ser 'analfabetos universitarios'.
May 19, 2020 12:00 pm
How do we prepare first-generation graduates for college?
For high school students in eastern North Philadelphia, it means becoming both college-ready and college-capable.
Feb. 2, 2015 12:54 pm
Temple’s Student-Run Rad Dish Co-op Opens Locally Sourced Cafe
The idea for the Rad Dish Co-op started back in the Fall of 2013, when a few Temple University students dreamed of opening a food co-op on campus. By spring of 2014, these students produced an independent study that included a mission statement, bylaws, and business plan for the co-op. Slowly but surely, plans for the food […]