Oct. 10, 2014 11:29 am
How PACA Executive Director Peter Frank Became a Co-op Expert
The Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance, a newly-formed member association for local co-ops, announced last week that Peter Frank has been hired as its first executive director. Frank, 34, is a fixture in the co-op community. He has worked full-time at established co-ops, served on boards, and volunteered his time to getting new co-ops off the […]
Jul. 24, 2014 11:54 am
Staff Blog: The Social Impact Ecosystem
Generocity.org’s Executive Director, Dave Raible, at Impact Hub Like most thoughtful Americans, I have dreamed for years of finding the magic formula that would end poverty, homelessness, substandard educational performance, hunger, violence, and myriad other problems in our society. That impulse led me to a career in the nonprofit world where I could attack these […]
Jul. 23, 2014 2:03 pm
A LOOK AT Food Cooperatives
[metaslider id=29960] There are several kinds of cooperatives in Greater Philadelphia — housing co-ops, energy co-ops and credit unions, to name just a few — but food co-ops are perhaps the most well-known, in part due to the region’s growing local food and sustainability movements. The simple definition of a food co-op is a type […]
Jul. 14, 2014 11:59 am
Equal Dollars Alternative Currency Out of Circulation After 19 Years Due to High Costs
On the first Monday of July, the Equal Dollars Food Market looks much the same as it always has since its founding several years back. A group of people with full tote bags of produce mill about just outside the entrance to the market, which is located inside the Germantown headquarters of Resources for Human […]
Jul. 7, 2014 11:09 am
8 Moments in Philly Social Impact This June
June was full of changes and developments in the social impact ecosystem. We encourage people and organizations to move forward into the second half of 2014 with a renewed dedication to making Greater Philadelphia a better place to live and work. Here’s a few moments from June that illustrate the progress our region is making: […]