Organized by Generocity, INTER/VIEW is an informal social impact jobs fair showcasing mission-oriented companies seeking talented people seeking to do good on and off the job.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it will take place virtually in 2020!
9:30: Event open / Welcome
9:40: If White Supremacy Nonprofit Culture is Dead, What is its Replacement? Panel featuring Omar Woodard of GreenLight Fund and Farrah Parkes of New Century Trust. Moderated by Sabrina Vourvoulias of Generocity.
10:15: Hiring-company Lightning Talks (10 minutes each) and exhibits open
10:15 Lightning Talk #1
10:25 Lightning Talk #2
10:35 Lightning Talk #3
12:00 – Exhibits close / Event outro
“The impact on me was to see the number of Black business owners who had their own organizations really focused on proving skills for minority youth.”
— Helen Richardson, a Philadelphia-based career and executive coach, 2019
Interview was first held in spring 2016.