Check it out: Generocity’s new logo and how we got there

For the last five years, you’ve become accustomed to this logo:
But as Generocity enters a new era, it’s time for a fresh look. Presenting:
As Philadelphia has grown, we’ve grown right along with it. Our coverage has evolved beyond the nonprofit world into social entrepreneurship, impact investment and government.
Now that we are a part of the Technically Media team, we wanted to refresh the look to reflect our new publisher, while also calling back to our history.
Featuring a deeper shade of purple, the new logo represents a “growing up” of Generocity as we dive deeper into the mechanics of Philly social impact. We’re a little older, a lot wiser, and now more representative of the growing community that is establishing Philadelphia as a center of innovation and triple bottom line enterprise.
Today you’ll start seeing the new icon popping up around social media, featuring the “o” from the full logo:
When we thought about what ideas we wanted to represent in the logo, we of course came to the ever-used light bulb and lightning bolt. Don’t get me wrong — I love the lightning bolt, in all its Ben Franklin-esque glory. (How badass is it for one person to co-opt something as universal as a lightning bolt, by the way?) In this logo, we wanted to hint at those common innovation icons, but go a little bit further.
The arrows that you’re seeing represent not only that “lightning” effect, but also exchange. We cover people from all sectors, all parts of the city, and we believe people should be constantly reaching outside their box to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and learn from each other so that our city gets bigger, better, faster and stronger.
An overhaul of this website is also on the way — expect the unveiling early next year. As our coverage ramps up, you’ll see us covering the crucial pieces that make any organization grow — logistics, funding, best practices. And as we do that, we’ll be simultaneously providing opportunities for the community to exchange ideas. Onward!
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