Sunday, February 16, 2025



This Green Philly panel will teach you everything you need to know about careers in sustainability

A June "Beyond the Blog" event. September 22, 2017 Category: EventFeaturedPurposeShort


This is a guest post by Green Philly founder Julie Hancher.
One of the big rules of running your own business is that you may change your game plan. Often.

Last time Green Philly chatted with Generocity, we were focusing on social media consulting. We still do a small portion of social media, but have scaled that down to focus on how to serve our readership.

As we listened to our readers, who love everything about sustainability in Philadelphia (Judy Wicks included), we realized they want more from us.

And we noticed a few other opportunities locally to fill in the gaps. For one, there are so many people doing great work in Philly. Yet many of these awesome people are caught up in their sustainability niche — they don’t know each other!

Another gap? Philly often doesn’t stop to celebrate how far we’ve come as a city since 2008, since the city’s Greenworks plan was created. From bike lanes to rain barrels and open streets, we’ve accomplished some cool stuff.

Green Philly created SustainPHL to celebrate all that sustainability is doing in Philly, and provide an opportunity for these groups — nonprofits, businesses, civic and government, investors, interested citizens — to intersect.

But one event per year won’t solve all the problems, eh? We listened to our SustainPHL attendees and created panel events, “Beyond the Blog.” These in-depth discussions bring topics we cover on the blog and experts we admire together and allow real-time audience questions.

Previous panels have covered sustainable career journeys across business sectors and how readers can have a greener carbon footprint with energy use in their business or personal life.

From our Partners

For our next panel on Wednesday, Sept. 27, we’re bringing together academia and business to talk about careers again with a twist. Our speakers from Amtrak, Penn, Jefferson University and the Energy Co-Op will chat about their careers, both about their education and how they recruit candidates. And during the networking time before and after the panel, local universities will be in attendance to chat about what types of programs help enhance these careers.

What else can you expect?

  • Tips on how to find your next sustainable career
  • Local university programs that can help enhance your job search
  • An insider’s perspective for what local companies look for in candidates
  • Local universities on hand to answer questions
  • Networking with other socially conscious individuals
  • Salads from sweetgreen and beer

Join us at WeWork, 1900 Market St., next Wednesday.

Get tickets


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