Friday, September 13, 2024



Andrew Huff

Andrew Huff is a Generocity contributor. He has worked in homeless services since 2015.

If we’re brave, COVID-19 can teach us to grieve and grow simultaneously column

Jun. 17, 2020 6:47 am

If we’re brave, COVID-19 can teach us to grieve and grow simultaneously

The pandemic has been traumatic but post-traumatic growth can, among other things, lead us to a deeper sense of community, says columnist Andrew Huff.
What does Friday the 13th have to do with homelessness? column

May 18, 2020 3:00 pm

What does Friday the 13th have to do with homelessness?

After sitting through another horror film marathon at the emergency shelter where he works, columnist Andrew Huff wonders if "perhaps a film franchise is a useful metaphor for understanding trauma therapy."
Notes from a horror movie marathon in a homeless shelter column

May 12, 2020 9:07 am

Notes from a horror movie marathon in a homeless shelter

Columnist Andrew Huff wonders why horror films are so appealing to the men in the emergency shelter where he is a case manager.
Peer leadership in shelter during COVID-19 column

Apr. 23, 2020 10:15 am

Peer leadership in shelter during COVID-19

Columnist Andrew Huff looks at how emergency shelter staff and guests can work together, cohesively, as public health leaders.
What COVID-19 tells us about shelter — and housing column

Apr. 13, 2020 11:59 am

What COVID-19 tells us about shelter — and housing

The pandemic is raising what has always been an important question, but which has now become an urgent question: Is shelter obsolete?
How Bethesda Project’s Church Shelter Program is responding to COVID-19 column

Mar. 24, 2020 7:09 am

How Bethesda Project’s Church Shelter Program is responding to COVID-19

CSP has adopted the process of community-based surveillance — used in Sierra Leone during the West African Ebola outbreak a number of years ago — in which every member of the shelter community has an important role to play.
The harm reduction approach to shelter management column

Feb. 24, 2020 11:44 am

The harm reduction approach to shelter management

"The value of harm reduction is that it puts things in very simple terms," says guest columnist Andrew Huff, "How can we respond to this situation without causing more harm?"
Does discharging a homeless person from emergency shelter as punishment for wrongdoing constitute torture? column

Feb. 12, 2020 8:30 am

Does discharging a homeless person from emergency shelter as punishment for wrongdoing constitute torture?

Columnist Andrew Huff argues it does. But even if you disagree, he says, the disciplinary practice represents a "gross failure in homeless services."
White allies: I have a question for you column

Jan. 2, 2020 8:29 am

White allies: I have a question for you

Being informed and "taking it personally" is what moves us into the space of becoming anti-racist, says columnist Andrew Huff.
Emergency shelter is not prison, but there are overlapping human rights concerns  column

Dec. 24, 2019 6:30 am

Emergency shelter is not prison, but there are overlapping human rights concerns 

In his most recent think piece, guest columnist Andrew Huff encourages emergency shelters to begin reformulating their disciplinary protocols to align with restorative justice practices.