Friday, January 24, 2025



Nic Esposito

Nic Esposito Reads Thomas Picketty’s Capital in the 21st Century uncategorized

Nov. 10, 2014 10:24 am

Nic Esposito Reads Thomas Picketty’s Capital in the 21st Century

I just started reading Thomas Picketty’s expansive tome on economics, Capital in the 21st Century, which some critics have called the modern day equivalent to Das Kapital by Karl Marx. When I say “critics,” I mean reviewers and not certain pundits who are rousing up fear that the book will start another cold war. Picketty […]
Everyday Sustainability: Backyard Chickens, Composting and Sustainability uncategorized

Oct. 8, 2014 1:15 pm

Everyday Sustainability: Backyard Chickens, Composting and Sustainability

This series, simply titled Sustainability for the Everyday, came from the author’s experience of becoming a parent for the first time. While the author imagines that tips and insights may be found in this series, his bigger goal is to explore the choices he makes and why he makes them when it comes to trying […]
Commentary: Please Let Kids Be Farmers purpose

Sep. 26, 2014 11:11 am

Commentary: Please Let Kids Be Farmers

Series Intro: This series, titled Thoughts on a Movement, is intended to explore the philosophical implications and systems changes that are made possible by our society’s shift to sustainable practices. The author hopes to offer thoughts, opinions, and analysis on issues and innovations in the sustainability movement that inspire readers to both connect with and […]
Everyday Sustainability: Compromise, Sustainability, and Parenting purpose

Sep. 15, 2014 12:58 pm

Everyday Sustainability: Compromise, Sustainability, and Parenting

Image by Flickr user MissMessie Editor’s Note: This series, titled Everyday Sustainability, came from the author’s experience of becoming a parent for the first time. While the author imagines that tips and insights may be found in this series, the larger goal is to explore the choices we make and why we make them when it […]
Has Crowdfunding Reached its Limit? uncategorized

Jun. 10, 2014 1:55 pm

Has Crowdfunding Reached its Limit?

In May, the Inquirer published a commentary questioning if crowdfunding has reached an inevitable limit. It cited examples of blowback against a Kickstarter campaign to open a Philadelphia bar, as well as celebrities such as Spike Lee and Zach Braff, who were deemed by some as too wealthy to ask for money from the general […]
Guest Post: Making Sustainability an Issue in the Upcoming Primary Election uncategorized

May 6, 2014 12:54 pm

Guest Post: Making Sustainability an Issue in the Upcoming Primary Election

(Photo via by Keith Ivy) A few weeks ago, I unexpectedly attended a candidates’ forum at my neighborhood association meeting. I say unexpectedly because even though I try to attend every neighborhood meeting possible — and even though I have been actually following the state representative races this year after the bribery sting story was broken […]
Guest Post: Lessons from Italy’s Maker Economy uncategorized

Mar. 26, 2014 1:40 pm

Guest Post: Lessons from Italy’s Maker Economy

Image via Flickr user Marg Two years ago this April I took my first trip to Italy. This was a life-changing trip for a few reasons. The first, and most important, was that the inspiration for the trip was to celebrate my marriage to Elisa. The second was that I’m Italian, and as Robert Pirsig […]
What’s The Hardest Part of Running a Triple Bottom Line Business? Profit uncategorized

Feb. 13, 2014 1:46 pm

What’s The Hardest Part of Running a Triple Bottom Line Business? Profit

Photo of The Head & the Hand Press Workshop When I first started The Head & The Hand Press, I attended the Sustainable Ventures Institute hosted by the Sustainable Business Network and was posed with a question that would set the course for the company— Did I want to be an mission-based organization that happened […]
How I Discovered the Value of Simple and Powerful Everyday Volunteering funding

Jan. 17, 2014 1:22 pm

How I Discovered the Value of Simple and Powerful Everyday Volunteering

The Emerald Street Urban Farm, located at the corner of Emerald and Dauphin Streets. (Photo c/o Nic Esposito) My first MLK day of service was spent painting a school in New Orleans. This was right after Hurricane Katrina and I was there as part of the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC), a program of the Americorps. […]
Guest Post: Nic Esposito on the Sustainability of Black Friday purpose

Dec. 12, 2013 3:05 pm

Guest Post: Nic Esposito on the Sustainability of Black Friday

One of my favorite side effects of farming is figuring out American colloquiums while I’m working. It was in the moment of moving hay with a pitchfork that made me understand the term “pitching in,” or the term “thinning it out” while I pruned a plant or thinned seedlings. So it was appropriate that on […]