Feb. 3, 2020 11:30 am
How to disrupt a nonprofit board (and how not to stand in the way)
Urban Tree Connection's board disruption included eliminating the geographic disconnect between the board and those they served; completely changing the board recruitment approach, and acknowledging the political context of the organization's mission.
Feb. 27, 2015 11:30 am
What Philly’s Urban Farmers are Up to This Winter
[metaslider id=35110] Sure, freezing temperatures and icy winds can be inconvenient. For those of us fortunate enough to have a roof over our heads, winter is nothing but a few months of enduring discomfort and lethargy. But what if your business depends on warmer climates? This is the dilemma faced by Philly’s urban farms. Whereas […]
Nov. 18, 2014 1:59 pm
Philly Foodworks Shares Lessons from its First Year
Philly Foodworks launched at the beginning of 2014 with the mission to connect consumers with local food producers through an online food marketplace and a community supported agriculture (CSA) program that sources products from Philadelphia-based and regional farms. The way a CSA works is the consumer pays upfront for a season’s worth of produce. Philly […]
May 13, 2014 2:03 pm
Philly Foodworks is Helping to Connect Urban Farms to Local Food Economy
Photo via Philly Foodworks website The question of whether local food can be financially viable has another, often neglected, concern. What is the best way to bring local food to the market? Philly Foodworks is attempting to answer that question by building a distribution system that sources from multiple small producers, including urban farmers, and […]
Aug. 21, 2013 10:46 am
Local Food How To: Part One
In part one of our Local Food How To series, we will explore food options that involve pre-ordering food in bulk on a weekly, monthly or seasonal basis.