Oct. 9, 2020 9:21 am
Opinion: As grantmakers, it’s our responsibility to address the greatest need
Flexibility, coupled with rapid response, probably was the most important lesson grantmakers learned from the devastating health and economic crisis, says guest columnist Bob Atkins. But it wasn't the only lesson.

Mar. 25, 2019 12:30 pm
Laura Fields wants local farms to thrive. So she started a whiskey convention
The Delaware Valley Fields Foundation has lessons on tackling its mission in a new way. Your nonprofit might just learn something from the American Whiskey Convention. Cheers!

Feb. 1, 2017 4:14 pm
Watch this social entrepreneur explain how she wants to fix the food system
Guatemala-born entrepreneur Tatiana Garcia-Granados explains how her distribution nonprofit is improving local food systems.

Feb. 16, 2016 11:56 am
How Philly’s ‘Founding Mother of Sustainability’ is funding local social entrepreneurs
White Dog Cafe and Sustainable Business Network founder Judy Wicks has started a network of funders for low-income entrepreneurs called the Circle of Aunts and Uncles.

May 5, 2015 10:51 am
Fund for Baltimore, Farmer Co-ops, and Philanthropy in Public Services – Social Impact Across the U.S.
Baltimore skyline This week in Social Impact Across the U.S.: The Baltimore Community Fund launched a fund to help repair the damages caused by the recent unrest in the city, reports the Philanthropy News Digest. Nonprofit Quarterly probes into how philanthropy funds public services by looking at the examples of parks and schools, both of […]

Apr. 8, 2015 12:14 pm
How Urbanstead Nurtures Career Skills Through Urban Agriculture
Lisa Gaidanowicz became a teacher by accident. She was working as an IT administrator for a GED program, where she was creating classes focused on technology career training. However, after the program lost a grant, Gaidanowicz was forced to step up and teach. “I’d never taught before, never worked with young people before,” she said. […]