Jan. 13, 2021 9:00 am
In Mantua: If benefits are building blocks, what do we do about benefit cliffs?
When people who receive benefits increase earned income as well, they often face a "benefits cliff," where the benefits taper off before sustainable economic self-sufficiency and growth can occur.

Jan. 4, 2018 11:39 am
Young people should be partners in the fight to end youth homelessness in Philly
Stoneleigh Emerging Leader Fellow Rashni Stanford talks with Mantua youth leader Da’Quan Wilson about how to engage those with firsthand experience of the issue.

Apr. 19, 2016 12:47 pm
These nonprofits are building a bold partnership model in the Promise Zone
A number of organizations repairing aging homes in West Philly are laying out a blueprint for a citywide initiative.

Sep. 12, 2014 12:32 pm
William Penn Foundation and Drexel University Partner to Improve Early Education in West Philly Promise Zone
Drexel University and the William Penn Foundation are partnering to improve the quality of West Philadelphia child care centers by working with parents, caretakers, and community organizations. The effort will be coordinated by Drexel and funded by a three-year $1.8 million grant from William Penn. The West Philadelphia Promise Zone (a place-based community development program […]

Aug. 20, 2014 4:18 pm
Farah Jimenez Resigns as CEO of People’s Emergency Center
The People’s Emergency Center (PEC) has announced that CEO and President Farah Jimenez resigned as of August 12 after four years leading the social services and community development nonprofit. “Despite what we’ve accomplished together, and the potential that remains at PEC, I’ve concluded that now is the time for me to step away and make […]

Aug. 13, 2014 12:01 pm
How Night Market Came to Lancaster Avenue
[metaslider id=30430] The revitalization of Lancaster Avenue in West Philadelphia, which cuts through distressed neighborhoods like Mantua, Saunders Park and Belmont, has taken place gradually. The growth of University City has brought student activity and new construction to the southern end of the avenue. Meanwhile, tireless community development corporations such as the People’s Emergency Center have […]

Aug. 11, 2014 1:01 pm
City to Hire Manager for West Philadelphia Promise Zone
Mantua, neighborhood in West Philadelphia within Promise Zone The Mayor’s Office of Community Empowerment and Opportunity (CEO) is hiring a manager for the West Philadelphia Promise Zone. The Promise Zone initiative is a place-based program designed to revitalize distressed areas by coordinating efforts across sectors and agencies and prioritizing the zones for federal assistance, essentially […]

Aug. 1, 2014 11:16 am
Tapping Parents to Boost Student Reading Levels: The Springboard Effect
After a stint as a first-grade teacher in North Philadelphia, Alejandro Gac-Artigas, the founder of Springboard Collaborative, wondered why his students needed until mid-November to regain the learning losses that were happening over the summer. On average, low-income elementary students experience a three-month learning regression when school is out and they often struggle to catch […]

Jun. 24, 2014 2:42 pm
Senator Bob Casey Proposes Special Tax Credit for Promise Zones
Local stakeholders in West Philadelphia Promise Zone gathered for announcement of new legislation to aid community. Sen. Bob Casey announced a bill last week to create special tax credits for businesses who hire from within one of the five Promise Zones designated by the Obama Administration. The Pennsylvania senator made his announcement in front […]

Mar. 20, 2014 10:48 am
City Council President Darrell Clarke Announces Plan to Build 1,500 Units of Affordable Housing
Martin Luther King Plaza in South Philadelphia, an affordable housing development completed in 2011. Image via Flickr user Payton Chung City Council President Darrell Clarke announced a plan on Monday for the city to subsidize the construction of 1,500 affordable housing units. The plan calls for 1,000 rental units and 500 ownership units located in […]